
Music, Memories

The piano on which my mother gave lessons went to my sister's lounge room in Adelaide. She inherited it after our Mother died. It was fully maintained and restored to original condition - it was a "Cable" upright orchestral piano (it had the extra octave applicable to Grand Pianos). 

Place to Spend One's Youth

My memories of life in Ultima are generally good; I would say totally fulfilled, being involved in every sport and other activities that came along.

Mrs Bausch and the Emu Eggs

Mrs Bausch used to walk down the street to the shops most days and on one of those trips she found what she called, "Emu Eggs". They were very large eggs, and because Horace the Emu strolled around; "they must be Emu eggs".

So... the Emu belonged to Mrs James.

So... the eggs must belong to her!!

So Mrs Bausch presented herself at Mrs James' door with the eggs in hand, and proceeded to explain that the Emu eggs must be hers!! Of course Mrs James knew immediately that the eggs were TURKEY EGGS, but was prepared to let the matter rest there for the moment. 

Early Pioneers

John O'Brien was born at Pannoobamawm (about 40 miles north of Bendigo) in 1874, on a farm selected by his father, Michael, in 1873. He went to school at Tennyson, and as his father was then blind, the boys took it in turn to go to school. At the age of 14, he became a contractor employing men, constructing outlet channels from the Waranga Basin; he did some contracting in the Minyip area, and later in the southern Mallee. About this time - about 1890 - the dog fence was opened and settlement of the northern Mallee was opened up.

Irish Settlers

In 1911 Mr & Mrs Leary arrived in Melbourne from Ireland. They had married in London on the way. Ater a short stay in Melbourne during which time Mr Leary worked on the cable trams, they came to Ultima at the invitation of Mr Herbert Cuttle Snr. Ater working for a period with Cuttle's Mallee Stores the Learys "Selected" a government block of land at Boinka (pronounced bow-in-ka), a locality between Ouyen and the South Australian border.