
An Oral History

The area around Natya is part of the Eastern Mallee and consists of gently rolling sandhills, loam flats, with occasional outcroppings of limestone. The larger vegetation was principally Dumosa Mallee, but there was a lot of Hop Bush as well, and a few Mallee Pines.

My years as a Bush Schoolie Pt6

Part 6 - Loneliness

The worst part about teaching at Natya was the loneliness - the lack of meeting people for the exchange of ideas. The loneliness for my type of people.

Adelaide in the 70's

This makes the second story in a total of three so far in which I make a point about the weather. So let me say that I'm not normally so preoccupied with it but today is an exception as we are going to the tennis at Memorial Drive and, in taking our seats close to the front of the Northern Grandstand, we are exposing ourselves to a sun which on the local news last night was shown to fry an egg within a few seconds. And it's here, in this egg-frying sun, that we will remain for an entire afternoon.